About us:
This web comic is the product
of three slightly demented high-school heavy metal junkies, Alex, Matt,
and Josh. The following is a short bio of us all:
Alex [Lord of all Demons, Demon
of Lust, Sex, and Torture] (Head writer, reviewer, random commenter):
I'm friends with Matt, and we both go to the same school from hell. I'm
a Horror fanatic, and I love to write, if my writer's block doesn't kick
me in the ass. I am the writer of most (if not all) of the witty banter
in the comic and I also do the CD reviews.
Matt [Lord of Liars, Demon of Blasphemy and Greed] (Webmaster, Asst. writer
and artist, head honcho dude, and test subject): I'm friends with Alex,
and indeed, do attend the same evil school spawned in sin and Hellfire.
Anyway, this comic is really the only afterlife I have (aside from tending
the army of radioactive gerbils.....) I do some of the artwork every now
and then, and of course, the website's upkeep. ! 4|\\ 4150 1337 7|24|\|51470|2
Josh [Really big Anime fan] (Head artist, purveyor of DVDs, and Ramen
consumer): I've recently met Matt and Alex through a class in the same
hell spawn school. I'm a really big otaku (anime fanatic) and I love Ramen.
:D How I got picked for this job? Who knows, all I remember is waking
up tied to a torture rack (half-naked too). Oh well, I'm not complaining…