Because Depths of Mental Instability, Ltd. just doesn't sound as cool...







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Disclaimer of DOOM!!!


We, the Bowels of Insanity, Inc. staff, are not responsible for managing your child's web viewing habits. That's your damn job. Ergo, if little Johnny or Suzy reads this page, and then asks you: a.) where babies come from, b.) what the word fuck means, c.) why that man is kissing that other man's lap, or d.) anything else, TOO DAMN BAD. We're not going to change our site to suit you and your closed minded views. Period, end of discussion....except for the fact that I like talking like this, so: Like I said, I don't care how much you bitch and complain, we're not going to take anything off the site, (except maybe for legal reasons, or ya know, what we consider good taste), so, just fuck off. If I start getting hate mail and shit like that, I may take a leaf from Maddox's site and start posting it, and then verbally bitch slapping you. Alright? We (Alex, Ashley, and myself) don't have the time or the inclination to sort through your little whinig about how your kid is now questioning the world around him/her/it, and, *gasp* possibly even not accepting your narrow-minded, faith-based (or whatever) views, and as stated above, don't give a rat's ass, on account of we've got better things to knit sweaters out of belly button lint.
Oh, and anybody who thinks about stealing shit from this site: we will track you down, we will make you plead like the little bitch that you are, and, we will find a way to make you clean up all your blood/limbs/internal organs/pet's bodies/etc. understood? Good.

